
13/104 è il numero magico, e ora? E ora è tutto da scoprire, sicuramente il meglio arriva da adesso in poi... Buona lettura!

venerdì 4 marzo 2011

Curriculum n. 11 (english version)

Other competitive examination, other cv.
Don't want to wast my time writing the application form, much expectation also this time.
Being in a hurry to find a good job, the overlong times of public examinations.
Irrationality in my head thinking to all the good little jobs I have to do in this period, common sense keeping down to earth.
An opportunity you don't want miss, an opportunity you wouldn't have.
A goal to achive working out, time that could (or must...?) passes in other ways.
The duplicate of the educational qualification, the memory of laughter in the lecture rooms.
Sun in my head, fog outside.

Angela in black & white, like almost every time I send a cv for a public competitive examination.

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